Cassie Bee - Voice Coach

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Who is Cassie Bee?

I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
-Psalm 104:33

I grew up making sounds and noises that would make the deaf squirm in irritation. I spent hours mastering the sounds of the microwave, dishwasher, and dryer alarm. Countless days singing to my grandparent’s poodle and convincing him of his desperate need for Christ. I would sit with cows and mimic their moos, believing we were truly in conversation. All of these things and many more have brought us to this moment where the Lord saw fit to have me share the gifts and understanding of the human voice the HE put on the inside of me. Countless times I have expressed to my voice students that I do not fully understand how or why a thing is true about voice, but I am confident that it is. The Lord has faithfully taught me so much since January of 2024 when this grand adventure began. Through lots of youtube videos and vocal warm ups, God has confirmed the gift he put on the inside of me and I am forever learning with my students and forever grateful for this opportunity.

I didn’t know that all that time spent conversating with animals and mimicking appliances would later be used to glorify God in such a powerful way. I am blown away by what God has done and intend to give him ALL THE GLORY! I know that it was the Lord from start to finish who planned that I would become a vocal coach. This is certainly his work, and I cannot boast or take any credit. I am overcome with awe and thankfulness to God for his sovereignty, and intimate love that chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. I am simply a woman who loves Jesus, wanted her to poodle get saved and secretly believed I could talk to cows in their native language. So, parents, thank you for trusting me to disciple your students toward a deeper knowledge of Christ and his glory. My desire is to help them develop their God-given talents as well as know Him more fully.

  • Timeline

    In the

    Serving the Church

    God’s Church is the stuff dreams are made of. God’s dreams… No, there’s no perfect church this side of Heaven, but there is a perfect Savior and he is worth singing about! Music was made by God, for God and is best sung by God! Did you know God sings? (Zephaniah 3:17) He is the ultimate musician and vocalist. He is also the ultimate worship leader. Our singing at church is a call straight from God to worship him alone. When we respond to his call to worship him, our hearts are filled with vision, hope, purpose and confidence in him. There’s no sweeter sound than the sound of one singing who knows and loves God. It is an honor to help train those who wish to respond to God’s call to worship him through song. (It is literally my favorite thing to do!)

  • Timeline

    On the

    Engaging the Culture

    “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances;” -Shakespeare (“As you like it”)

    Life on Earth isn’t permanent but we were certainly made for eternity and often some of the best lessons of life are learned by watching others. Musical theater has the potential to change the course of one’s life through thought provoking lines, lyrics and dances! I have enjoyed be part of several musical theater performances and understand the great pressure and thrill of musical theater. I would love to help you be the very best vocalist you can be for your performances all for the glory of God!

  • Timeline

    In the

    To The Ends of the Earth

    Oh, the places you will go!
    -Dr. Seuss

    Some songs are meant to travel to places you may never go, and to make an impact on hearts you may never meet. As a songwriter and singer myself, I am so thankful for the technology God has provided to be able to record and share songs that have been birthed from places of deep joy and pain to bless and encourage others. Recording can be intimidating and daunting, but through some tips, tricks and prayer I believe we can navigate singing for recording seamlessly! Songs are like missionaries that we pray over and send out with open hands and great anticipation. I would love to walk alongside you while you prepare for your next missionary song!

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How does this work?

Ultimately, we will agree upon a time and I will travel to you. As a result, the cost of lessons vary by location. There are a few ballpark prices and locations listed below. We will agree upon a price before we start lessons to ensure there are no surprises. Each vocal coaching session is approximately an hour.


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Touch Base With Me!

Cassie Bee Sings
Bonneau, SC 29431
(843) 580-8202